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Our higher self tells us what’s going to happen- they are the true strength of consciousness

This is not a joke- I saw it. My higher self showed me in details. There is a moment where you die but you don’t die. The current body does and everyone mourns and cries- has a funeral and then doesn’t seem to care after awhile. In the meantime we really don’t die- we are stuck were we are so our spirit soul needs to move into another- we’ll get this. Everyone in Lombard starts to leave- like jump on planes, cars, anything to vacate the premises. But they don’t realize I’m still here- literally but for some reason could be put into a male body so they realize it’s me. This is not a joke. I saw it in a nightmare. Trucks, and men started to beat up this boy/ guy not knowing it is actually me. I remember specifically at Madison Meadows or park or building maybe my old studio? the scene was very dark. My higher self showed me details which I do not want to disclose but how horrible is this. An incident person who never hurt a fly was stripped of there life. I would definitely check the status of the whereabouts or if you hear anything of this nature please PRAY 🙏.

William Hardt Barbary The universe is holographic so yes We are in one simulation of many.Many may think that the basic idea of a matrix has first emerged in this modern age, or rather, that the idea that we could live in a virtual reality has been established in the collective consciousness by the eponymous Hollywood films.

This is not the case! The notion that we are embedded in a form of simulation is very old and already the ancient Indian civilization had this fundamental concept in it’s Vedic scriptures, which they called “Maya” – the cosmic illusion, that deceives us from our true reality.


And if so what does it mean for your philosophical and spiritual development?

Modern Physics is telling us that, in the end, everything is information and that the information is very likely computational in nature.

What if the "Illusion" of reality that spiritual traditions have referred to for centuries is really a Simulation???

Back in the old days, Enlightened beings and Vedic masters may have very well known that REALITY IS A HIGHLY ADVANCED COMPUTER SIMULATION but the world that they lived in was unable to conceive such a thing.

Only now as we are entering into this phase of exponential technological growth, can we conceive the possibility that reality, in fact, may be a simulation.  a growing number of physicists believe the chances are high that we do live in a Simulation which is allowing the possibility to be more seriously considered by the general population.

So The Big Question... ...What does it mean if it is true?

At Higher Balance, we believe that reality is, in fact, a 'simulation' and that the ability of the modern human to conceive such a thing is the missing link to a wide-scale Enlightenment.

Think about it... Enlightenment is described by most every high spiritual school as the ability to GENUINELY realize that reality is an illusion and that there is greater knowledge and truth beyond what our 5 senses tell us. Up until now, our logical brain and senses have had such a strong pull on us (as a species) that we have been unable to fully come to terms with such a concept. This has kept Enlightenment out of reach for the majority of seekers. Don't get me wrong. The rare few have been able to break free but it has been exceedingly difficult.

By understanding that we are living in a simulation, the modern seeker finally has an approachable way able to overcome the fundamental limitation on attaining Enlightenment.

Because... just saying that you understand something does not mean that you "get it" in the deep and visceral way required to transcend your current perception of reality.

This is your chance to become an insider on the cutting edge of modern spiritual thought. Never before in history has genuine enlightenment been accessible to so many.

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